Marshmallow Easter Basket


Marshmallow Easter Basket

Approximately 20-30 yellow, lavender, pink and/or
    white marshmallow chicks
2 cups confectioners' sugar
1 (10 ounce) bag jelly beans
1 small bag shredded white coconut
Green food coloring

Take four marshmallow chicks that are still connected and flatten with palm of your hand to create a bottom for the basket. Assemble still-connected chicks around the perimeter of the bottom of the basket (approximately 12-15 chicks).

In a small bowl, mix 2 cups of confectioners' sugar with enough water to make a thick icing. Place the icing in a plastic sandwich bag and snip the end of the bag. To hold the sides to the bottom, squeeze the icing around the perimeter of the basket. For any gaps between the basket and bottom, place a jelly bean in the hole and squeeze icing around. Place basket in refrigerator until icing has hardened, about 3 hours.

When icing has hardened, remove basket from the refrigerator. Mix drops of green food coloring with coconut to resemble grass and fill basket with coconut, marshmallow chicks and jelly beans (and anything else you choose).

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