Simple Stuffing


Simple Stuffing

This makes a huge amount, so you may need to adjust accordingly.

6 boxes Stove Top (or your favorite brand)
1 (16 ounce) roll sage sausage
2 small cans water chestnuts

Brown and drain the sausage as you would hamburger for chili. Mix the Stove Top according to box instructions in a very large bowl. Add the sausage and mix. Drain the water chestnuts and add to dressing mixture.

If you like your dressing very moist, place entire mixture in a deep baking dish, and bake for about 30 minutes in moderate oven (350 degrees F). If you prefer your dressing a little on the dry side, divide mixture into two shallow baking pans and bake for 30 minutes in moderate oven (350 degrees F).

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