Strawberry Strips


Strawberry Strips

1 frozen puff pastry strip (or make your own pastry)
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
1/2 recipe Pastry Cream
1 pint medium size strawberries
1/4 cup strawberry jelly
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
2 tablespoons chopped pistachio nuts or other nuts

Make pastry and cut into strips about 2 inches long and 1 inch wide. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for approximately 10 minutes. Cool.

Spread Pastry Cream on each strip. Top with strawberries, pointed end up, 2 to a row. Melt strawberry jelly with 1 teaspoon sugar. Let bubble 1 minute; cool slightly and glaze each strawberry. Sprinkle nuts down sides of each strawberry strip.

Pastry Cream
1 small box French vanilla or
    plain vanilla instant pudding
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons cognac or brandy
1/2 cup heavy cream

Prepare pudding mix using 1 cup milk; fold in cognac or brandy. Beat heavy cream until it forms soft peaks. Fold into pudding mix. Cover with plastic wrap. Cool.

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