Crispy Banana Pops


Crispy Banana Pops (T&T)

Everyone at my house always enjoys these tasty treats and requests them. I always make them during the summer time when I have a party. I have on occasion drizzled melted bittersweet chocolate over them in a decorative pattern. The kiddies really love these. Enjoy!

2 medium bananas
1/4 cup Rice Krispies cereal
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
2 tablespoons finely chopped peanuts ( this you
    can do in your food processor)
1 tablespoon light corn syrup

Line a large plate with foil and set aside.

Cut the bananas crosswise into halves. Insert popsicle stick into each piece. Place on prepared plate, cover with plastic wrap and place in freezer until firm, about 10 to 15 minutes.

Combine cereal, chocolate chips and peanuts in a shallow bowl, mixing well to combine the ingredients.

Remove bananas from the freezer and brush with the corn syrup covering completely the banana. Roll each banana in the cereal mixture to coat evenly.

Loosely wrap each coated banana half with plastic wrap and place in freezer for about 10 minutes or until ready to use.

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