Banana Split Brownies


Banana Split Brownies

1 box Duncan Hines Walnut Brownie Mix
8 ounces cream cheese
1 cup confectioners sugar' sugar
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large can pineapple chunks, drained
1 jar maraschino cherries
3 bananas
1/2 cup chocolate syrup
3 cups thawed Cool Whip

Bake the brownie mix in a glass pan according to package directions. Let cool.

Meanwhile, combine the butter, vanilla extract, cream cheese and confectioners' sugar until creamy.

When the brownie has cooled, spread the cream cheese mixture over the top. Place the pineapples over the cream cheese. Slice the bananas over the top of the pineapple. Drizzle the chocolate syrup over the top of the bananas. Spread the Cool Whip over the brownie mixture. Place cherries around the Cool Whip and sprinkle with the ground nuts.

Serve hot or cool.

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