Chocolate Mint Chanukah Gelt


Chocolate Mint Chanukah Gelt

1 (12 ounce) bag semisweet chocolate chips *
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mint extract, or a bit more to taste

* If watched carefully, you can melt the chocolate in a microwave oven.

Place the chips in the top of a double boiler and over simmering water, melt the chips. When they are about halfway melted, add the oil and the extract. Continue to melt the chips, stirring to combine well the chocolate, the oil and the extract.

Remove the mixture from the heat and allow it to cool for about 15 minutes or so, or until the chocolate has started to thicken just a bit.

Place a sheet of parchment paper on a sheet tray, and using a soup spoon, pour coin shaped discs onto the parchment paper. Use all of the chocolate to make "coins."

Allow the coins to harden and then peel them off the paper and enjoy.

NOTE: try other flavors such as almond and vanilla as well.

Makes about 3 dozen.

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