Pier Four BBQ Stuffed Prawns


Pier Four BBQ Stuffed Prawns

2 U2 Prawn or U8 Shrimp
1/8 ounce salt
1/4 ounce black pepper
3 ounces butter, raw
1 ounce olive oil
6 roasted garlic cloves
1 ounce white wine
2 ounces shrimp stuffing mix

Shrimp Stuffing
2 ounces Italian breadcrumbs
1 ounce chopped parsley
1 ounce chopped cooked shrimp
1 ounce melted butter
1/2 ounce olive oil
1 ounce white wine or sherry
Black pepper to taste

Combine all the stuffing ingredients in a bowl.

Preheat oven to 500 degrees F.

Split the tail of each prawn (or shrimp) and about one-half inch of the head. Stuff the tail and the head with approximately one ounce of stuffing. Place in a pie tin. Add remaining ingredients. Place in a 500 degree F oven for about 12 minutes.

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