Applebee's Chicken Wings


Applebee's Chicken Wings

About 35 wings pieces

12 ounces Louisiana Hot Sauce
6 tablespoons margarine
3 tablespoons white vinegar
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 1/4 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 1/2 tablespoons flour

Cook the wings until done either bake or deep-fry.

Mix all sauce ingredients except flour in a saucepan on the stove. Cook over low-medium heat. When warm, add flour to thicken sauce. Stir frequently.

When sauce is thick, cover bottom of 9 x 13-inch baking dish with sauce. Mix remaining sauce with wings and place in baking dish. Bake at 300 degrees for about 20 minutes or until warm.

Serve with celery sticks and blue-cheese dressing. (These are great reheated, but get hotter each time!)

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