Pommes Dauphine


Servings: 4
Potatoes made with choux paste — crispy exterior — soft interior

Pate a choux (cream puff and egg eclair paste)
Eggs 3 each
Butter tbsp.
Water 1 cup
Flour 1 cup
4 cups potatoes, cooked, riced
Salt and pepper to taste
Nutmeg, grated 1/4 tsp.

Bring water and butter to a boil. Add the flour in until is forms a paste. Remove from heat and add eggs one by one, stirring into the paste. Add riced potatoes, season and add the grated nutmeg.

Pipe onto parchment paper the size of a little finger and chill. Cut strips of parchement with 6 or so piped fingers and place upside down in hot oil. As soon as the mixture releases from the paper...remove the paper and fry potatoes in deep fat 360F until golden brown.

Repeat and keep warm and reheat in a 325 F oven.
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