Sweet 'n' Sour Sauced Pork Ribs


Sweet 'n' Sour Sauced Pork Ribs

Serving Size : 2
Categories :
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1/2 pound lean boneless pork
4 teaspoon cooking oil
2 teaspoon sesame oil
1 med. carrot *
1 small green bell pepper **
2 green onions -- sliced
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 teaspoon cornstarch
2 tablespoon water
2 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 dash ground ginger
1 cup pineapple chunks -- drained
hot cooked rice

* Carrot should be cut thinly with a slant cut. ** Green Bell Pepper should be seeded and cut into strips. Partially freeze pork. Thinly slice into bite-size strips. Preheat a 10-inch microwave browning dish on 100% of power for 5 minutes. Add cooking oil and sesame oil to dish. Swirl to coat dish. Add the pork. Micro-cook, covered, on 100% power for 2 to 3 minutes or till pork is no longer pink, stirring every minute. Stir in sliced carrot, green pepper strips, and sliced green onions. Micro-cook, covered, on 100% power for 2 to 4 minutes more or till the vegetables are crisp-tender. Drain off liquid. In a 2-cup measure stir together the brown sugar and cornstarch. Stir in water, red wine vinegar, soy sauce and ground ginger. Micro-cook, uncovered, on 100% power for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 minutes or till thickened and bubbly, stirring every 30 seconds. Stir in drained pineapple chunks. Micro-cook, uncovered, on 100% power for about 45 seconds more or till pineapple is heated through. Toss the pineapple mix ture with the pork mixture. Serve with cooked rice.
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