Fresh Corn Loaf


Fresh Corn Loaf

2 cups fresh corn, cut off cob
1 cup chopped fresh tomato
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped green bell pepper
2 teaspoons salt
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 cup yellow cornmeal
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese
2 eggs
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup water

Mix together first 8 ingredients. Combine well and let mixture sit for 30 minutes.

Beat eggs; add to evaporated milk and water, mixing well. Then add egg mixture to vegetables. Pour into a greased 2-quart casserole or loaf pan and bake at 375 degrees F for 1 hour.

Serve hot or cold.

This is great with ham sandwiches or as a picnic dish.

Serves 6 to 8.

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