Creamy Green Onion Spread


Creamy Green Onion Spread

This spread is very yummy and very delicious with a great flavor. This is another appetizer which I made for the wedding. The addition of dry ranch dressing just brings out the flavor of this spread. You can serve it with crackers or any bread of your choice. I always serve it with toasted crusty French baguette slices.

8 ounces softened cream cheese
2 tablespoons milk
2 stalks scallions/green onion with tops finely chopped
Hidden Valley Ranch dry dressing to your taste
Crusty French baguette bread sliced and toasted

Cut your bread into diagonal slices and toast under broiler on both sides until lightly browned. Set aside.

Combine in a bowl the cream cheese and milk and beat on medium speed until smooth and creamy, add the scallions/green onions and the amount of ranch dry dressing until you achieve the taste you want. Cover and refrigerate approximately 2 hours to blend in flavors.

Spread on the toasted slices and arrange on a platter. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Crackers or breads of your choice can be used, but I prefer the toasted French bread which compliments the spread.

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