Hot Barbecued Eggplant with Fresh Chive Vinaigrette


Yield: 1 recipe

2 med Aubergines sliced into l/2" rounds
5 tbsp Olive oil
1 tbsp Balsamic vinegar
2 ea Garlic cloves, crushed
Salt & pepper
2 tbsp Chopped fresh chives

Lightly salt the aubergine slices and leave to stand for 30 minutes to draw out the bitter juices.

Meanwhile combine the oil, vinegar, garlic and seasoning and blend thoroughly.

Rinse the aubergine slices and dry them thoroughly on kitchen paper. Place in a large bowl, add half the vinaigrette and toss thoroughly.

Place on the barbecue turning regularly until golden brown on each side. Brush with extra vinaigrette as necessary.

When cooked, remove the aubergine slices from the barbecue and toss with any remaining dressing. Sprinkle with the chopped chives and serve immediately.
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