Fiesta Steak Sandwich


Fiesta Steak Sandwich

1 strip steak
1 hoagie roll
Sliced avocado
Sliced tomato
Shredded lettuce

Prepare strip steak by pan frying or broiling. Prepare Fiesta Mayo while steaks are cooking. Place a sliced Cheddar or jack cheese on the steak during the last minute of cooking to melt.

Fiesta Mayo
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1 teaspoon fresh finely diced cilantro
1 teaspoon lime juice

Mix all ingredients together until creamy.

Toast a hoagie roll. Spread fiesta Mayo on both sides of the bun. Place the steak with cheese on the bottom side of the roll. Top with sliced avocado, tomato and lettuce, then add the top side of the roll.

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