Oriental Chicken Salad


Oriental Chicken Salad

1 head cabbage (shredded) or prepared slaw mix
1 cup slivered almonds
3 tablespoons sesame seeds
2 bunches green onions, chopped
2 cups cooked chicken, chopped
1 (2 to 3 ounce) package Top Ramen Chicken Flavored Noodles

1 packet Top Ramen Chicken Seasoning
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup tarragon vinegar
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons soy sauce

Salad: Toast almonds and sesame seeds in skillet with no-stick spray until golden brown. Break noodles into small pieces. DO NOT ADD SEASONING PACKET. Reserve for use in the dressing. Mix cabbage (or slaw mix), cooked chicken, green onions, noodles, and toasted almonds and seeds.

Dressing: Combine dressing ingredients in a jar. Shake. Add dressing to slaw mixture. Toss well. Chill until serving.

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