Sweet and Salty Popcorn with Orange Blossom Honey


Sweet and Salty Popcorn with Orange Blossom Honey

6 cups popped white popcorn
1 cup salted roasted nuts (one kind or a mixture; optional)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup orange blossom honey
1 teaspoon coarse salt

Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Place popcorn and nuts in a large ovenproof bowl and place in oven. Pour sugar into a small, heavy saucepan and place over medium-low heat. Stir occasionally. When sugar is melted and a light caramel color, add honey and stir until smooth and liquid. Remove from heat.

Take popcorn from oven, sprinkle it with salt and then pour sugar syrup over it. Using a potholder to steady bowl with one hand, stir quickly, using a large fork, to fluff and coat popcorn. Spread on baking sheet and let cool. Break into large pieces; store in an airtight tin.

Servings: 6

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