Jim's Key Lime Pie


Jim's Key Lime Pie

1 (10-inch) graham cracker crust (may use 8-inch, but
    will have some filling left over
2 cans Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk
3 egg yolks*
1/4 teaspoon lime oil *
1 cup Nellie & Joe's Key West Lime Juice, separated
1 package unflavored gelatin

Mix together sweetened condensed milk, egg yolks and lime oil until blended. Add 3/4 cup lime juice to mixture. Set aside.

Heat remaining 1/4 cup lime juice in microwave until piping hot. Whisk gelatin into hot lime juice, making sure there are no lumps. Add gelatin mixture to the pie filling with electric mixer on high speed. Mix until all ingredients are blended well. Pour into crust and chill at least four hours or until set.

Add whipped topping and serve. Or, if you love meringue, use the egg whites and 3 tablespoons granulated sugar and beat until peaks form. Top with meringue and bake at 400 degrees F until meringue is golden brown.

* Don't worry about the raw egg yolks. The lime juice will cook those for you. You can get the lime oil from a pharmacy, specialty baking store or (where I found it) on line at suttonsbaytrading. I am not affiliated with this web site. Just a great place to buy oils and other baking needs.

You can omit the lime oil, but if you want the best Key lime pie that you have ever had, use it. To me it is worth the trouble to find it.

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