Low-Fat Blueberry Popcorn Bars


Low-Fat Blueberry Popcorn Bars

1 (3.5 ounce) package dried blueberries
1 (2.85 ounce) package natural flavor low-fat microwave popcorn,
    prepared as directed on package OR 10 cups air-popped popcorn
1 (10 1/2 ounce) package miniature marshmallows
1/2 cup white vanilla chips
1 tablespoon butter or margarine

Spray 13 x 9-inch pan and large bowl with nonstick cooking spray.

In sprayed large bowl, combine dried blueberries and popcorn; mix well. Set aside.

In medium microwave-safe bowl, combine marshmallows, vanilla chips and butter. Microwave on HIGH for 1 minute. Stir; microwave on HIGH for an additional 1 to 3 minutes or until all marshmallows and chips can be stirred smooth, stirring occasionally. Add marshmallow mixture to popcorn mixture; mix until evenly coated (mixture will be sticky).

Spray hands or large rubber scraper with nonstick cooking spray. With sprayed hands, press popcorn mixture in sprayed pan. Place in freezer for 10 minutes or until set.

Cut into bars with serrated knife. Store in tightly covered container or wrap individually in plastic wrap for easy packing.

Stovetop: Melt marshmallows, vanilla chips and butter over medium heat, stirring constantly until smooth.

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