Szechwan Spiced Beef Shreds


Szechwan Spiced Beef Shreds

Yield: 6 servings

1 pound flank steak
1/4 cup oil
1 teaspoon minced ginger root
2 teaspoons minced garlic
3 scallions, cut 1-inch long (use stems)
2 dry red chile peppers, finely chopped
1 tablespoon dry sherry
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
6 water chestnuts, coarsely ground
1 cup shredded bamboo shoots
1/2 green bell pepper, thinly sliced
1/2 cup water or chicken broth
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon sesame oil

1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon Splenda
1 tablespoon cornstarch

Thinly slice steak against grain, and cut into matchstick size strips. Marinate for 2 to 4 hours.

Heat 4 teaspoons oil in wok to 350 degrees F. Add beef mixture and stir to separate pieces. Blanch briskly until beef just loses its redness. Remove to a bowl.

Heat 2 teaspoons oil in wok. Add ginger, garlic, scallions and chile peppers. Stir-fry about 10 seconds. Stir in sherry and vinegar. Cook until it bubbles gently. Add water chestnuts, bamboo shoots and green bell pepper.

Return beef mixture to wok and blend all together. Pour in water or chicken broth. When it begins to boil, stir in cornstarch mixture and continue stirring until sauce thickens. Add sesame oil, mix well and serve.

Per Serving: 287 Cal (56% from Fat, 30% from Protein, 14% from Carb); 22 g Protein; 18 g Tot Fat; 10 g Carb; 1 g Fiber; 18 mg Calcium; 2 mg Iron; 166 mg Sodium; 51 mg Cholesterol

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