Jack-O'-Lantern Desserts


Jack-o'-Lantern Desserts

8 medium oranges
2 small boxes orange gelatin
1 cup boiling water
1 cup milk, chilled
1 cup vanilla ice cream, softened
1 cup prepared whipped topping
14 chocolate sandwich cookies, crushed finely
Cinnamon sticks, for garnish

Cut small portion from top of oranges; set aside.

Hollow centers, reserving orange center for another use. Cut out pumpkin faces on oranges.

Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Refrigerate until thickened slightly. Blend milk and ice cream in electric blender until smooth. With motor running, gradually add gelatin mixture through blender feed cap, blending until smooth.

Stir whipped topping into gelatin mixture in large bowl. Alternately layer cream mixture and half cookie crumbs into prepared orange cups, ending with cream layer.

Refrigerate 2 hours or until firm.

Top each orange with remaining crushed cookies, pressing some crushed cookies into cut pumpkin faces design. Insert halved cinnamon stick into reserved orange top for stem.

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