Lal Saaker Ghanto, Red Chard & Eggplant


Yield: 4 servings

8 cup Red chard, coarsely chopped
2 tbsp Vegetable oil
1 ea Dried red chile
1/4 tsp Five spice powder
1 cup Onions, finely chopped
1 tsp Green chile, seeded & minced
1/4 tsp Turmeric
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Sugar
1 cup Water
3 1/2 cup Eggplant, cubed
1/4 tsp Garam masala
Onion rings, to garnish

Steam chard & then puree in a blender. Set aside.

Heat oil in a skillet over medium low heat. Fry red chile until it darkens. Add five spice powder & fry until the spices start to crackle. Add onion & fry until it is a rich brown, stir constantly. Add green chile, turmeric, salt & sugar. Add water & bring to a boil. Add eggplant & lower the heat slightly. Cover & simmer until the eggplant is soft.

Add pureed chard. Uncover & cook for a minute or so to heat the mixture right through. Stir all the time. Remove from heat & blend in the garam masala. Garnish with onion rings & serve immediately.
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