Baked Potatoes On Grill


Baked Potatoes on Grill

Baking potatoes
Canola oil
Kosher salt

Clean potatoes with stiff brush and pat dry. Poke about 10 holes in each potato with a fork to allow for venting. Pour about 1/4 cup oil in bowl, and add potatoes, turning until they are well coated. Remove potatoes and rub or sprinkle kosher salt to coat the outside. (This is the cleaner method - I just pour a little oil in my hand and rub each potato with oil, then rub with salt).

To bake (will end up with a crispy skin):

Place potatoes directly on grill over hot coals and bake for about 1 hour, or until toothpick inserted in center goes in easily.

To steam (will end up with a soft skin):

Wrap each potato in aluminum foil, place on grill and bake for about 1 hour or until wooden pick inserted in center goes in easily.

To speed this process, you can partially cook the potatoes in the microwave and finish on the grill.

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