Bloody Mary Chicken


Bloody Mary Chicken

2 parts V-8 or tomato juice mixed
    with 1 part vodka
Tabasco sauce
Lemon juice
Worcestershire sauce
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Celery seed
Olive oil

Mix tomato juice and vodka. Add salt and pepper. Stir and taste. Add Tabasco sauce, lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Stir and taste. Add garlic and onion powder and celery seed. Stir and taste. Add a dribble of olive oil. Stir and pour into a zip-type bag. Add about 4 skinless boneless chicken breasts and marinate overnight or up to 2 days.

After breasts have marinated, put the breasts on the grill or under a broiler, about 5 minutes per side. These come out nicely glazed, very tender and juicy, with a wonderful flavor.

NOTE: You may substitute your favorite Bloody Mary recipe for the marinade ingredients if you prefer.

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