Sweet Potatoes


Sweet Potatoes (George Foreman Grill)

You can use sweet potatoes, "yams", or white sweet potatoes (batata, boniato) which are unbelievably good but a little harder to find. I actually prefer the white sweet potatoes. DON'T use any oil, it'll come out nasty. I've found that the harder the sweet potatoes or yams are to cut, the better they are. Sweet potatoes should not be refrigerated.

Peel the potatoes (optional) and cut them into approximately 1/4 inch strips (you'll find your favorite thickness after you cook them a few times).

Spread them across the grill and try not to overlap them too much. If you cut them a little thicker you'll fit more but you don't want to make 'em too thick. You can fit about 1 1/4 pounds on a family sized grill.

Cook them for 25 minutes. If you desire, you can flip 'em after about 20 minutes but it's not necessary.

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