Fire Engine Red Cranberry-Raspberry Spritzer


Fire Engine Red Cranberry-Raspberry Spritzer

Source: Sunset magazine, July 2001

5 cups refrigerated or canned cranberry-raspberry juice blend
2/3 cup grenadine
5 cups chilled lemon-flavor mineral water or lemon-lime soda (see notes)
1 lemon (about 5 ounces), rinsed and thinly sliced (ends discarded)

In a 3- to 3 1/2-quart glass pitcher, mix juice blend and grenadine. Pour in mineral water and add lemon slices. Pour into tall, ice-filled glasses (at least 12 ounces).

Makes 10 servings.

Nutrition per serving: Calories 111(1.6% from fat); Fat 0.2g ; Sodium 4.2mg; Fiber 0.7g; Protein 0.3g; Carbohydrate 28g

NOTES: If you prefer a spritzer on the sweet side, use lemon-lime soda; add mineral water or soda just before serving. For an adult version, add 3 to 4 tablespoons vodka - or if you're adventurous, Campari - to each glass.

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